Paint Your Story (Poem)


Things happen and life goes on

So i take it one day at a time

And not into the distant future

I think presently for what it is

And i can only hope for what it may become

I live to breathe for tomorrow, that tomorrow will become better

knowing that the decree of Allah SWT is greater than what I want

My wants and needs are being fulfilled before my eyes

But at times I become blind with my eyes full of tears

Wanting what is so dear

To me is it everything

Little do I know is everything

Everything is only of my hopes and dreams

With everyday that goes by, my vision becomes clearer

To what is being wanted, to what is becoming destined

Nothing can pass my way without it being for me

Each story, each lesson paints a picture

Colorful of my past and bright of my future

The more I hold onto these colours

The less I learn

The better I paint with those colours, more bright is my future

Holding onto what has gone in a vivid light and hoping for what is better to come

While I narrate and paint my story for the readers that come

This is for you to understand life goes on

Even after the curtain closes, applauds mixed with boos

There is still your story to tell

So become an artist, paint loudly and proudly

Smile through the tears, smile through the pain

Let your words hit the soul like rain drops beating the window

Be a voice of reason, not a voice and thoughts of regret

Alhumdulilah (Praise Be To Allah) for what has crossed my way

Because if it didn’t today

My thoughts probably wouldn’t exist this way

This is my painting, my Starry Night

My beautiful Mona Lisa

While I stand here smiling, proud of who I’ve become

Staying determined, positive, patient to see the next canvas I paint

I wipe off my glasses, let my brush sit

Knowing tomorrow will be better and the paintings can only get better, insha’Allah

Everything is the Will Of Allah

6 thoughts on “Paint Your Story (Poem)

  1. Well, such beautiful touching words…. Words always touch my heart when they involve Allah and life I guess.
    Thinking about future and past gives you pain …… as far as I know. Somewhere in pleasant memories you still feel the pain. so why not live in present and leave everything upon Allah ?
    I loved the idea of painting out your thoughts… You are such an artist !

    • Thank you! Thinking about the past gives you pain and thinking about the future also gives you pain because we are all so worried about things we don’t know and things that have harmed us but have only made us better or as Elliot Hulse says “stronger version of ourselves” which is what we aim to achieve everyday of our lives.

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